Spinal cord bypass surgery in patients with the consequences of spinal cord injury





spinal cord injury, restorative surgery, bypass surgery


In the present study, author analyzes literature data that is devoted to spinal cord bypass surgery as a new method of restorative treatment of patients with the consequences of spinal cord injury. On the basis of experimental researches results author gave a pathophysiological reasoning of different methods of spinal cord bypass surgery. The article includes the results of experimental and clinical spinal cord bypass surgery researches and new prospects of this methods of surgical treatment developing.

Author Biography

Iuriy Iaminskiy, Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev

Restorative Neurosurgery Department


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How to Cite

Iaminskiy, I. (2015). Spinal cord bypass surgery in patients with the consequences of spinal cord injury. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (3), 5–10. https://doi.org/10.25305/unj.49360



Review articles