The craniovertebral junction extramedullar tumors. Diagnostics and treatment


  • R. M. Trosh Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • V. O. Fedirko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • V. M. Buryk Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine
  • P. M. Onishchenko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine



краніовертебральне з’єднання, менінгіома, невринома, розширений задньо-бічний субокципітальний доступ


Article is devoted to diagnostics and treatment features of craniovertebral junction (CVJ) extramedullar tumors. Alongside with a brief historical statement of a problem, the basic attention is given to modern methods of surgical treatment, in particular, to lateral approaches to area СVJ. The necessity of effective preoperative diagnostics and application of the expanded lateral approaches are proved, that essentially improves the nearest and follow-up surgical interventions results.


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How to Cite

Trosh, R. M., Fedirko, V. O., Buryk, V. M., & Onishchenko, P. M. (2005). The craniovertebral junction extramedullar tumors. Diagnostics and treatment. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 11–18.



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