Decompressive and stabilization interventions with anterolateral and combine approaches application for thoracolumbar spine fracture


  • E. I. Slinko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • A. Yu. Leontyev Kherson Regional Hospital, Kherson, Ukraine
  • S. A. Panferov Kiev City Clinical Hospital № 17, Kiev, Ukraine



anterolateral approaches, combine approaches, injured, thoracolumbar spine fracture, decompression, stabilization.


The opportunity of the methods of spinal canal decompression with following fixation injured throacolumbar spine with anterolateral and combine approaches application were discussed. Indication and contraindication were adduced for choose of decompression method. Attentions were concentrated on the choice of decompression’s method dependent of patient’s neurological status, integrity of posterior bone-ligamentous complex, morphology of injured spinal segment. Advantages and disadvantages of decompression’s methods from anteriolateral and combine approaches were discussed.


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How to Cite

Slinko, E. I., Leontyev, A. Y., & Panferov, S. A. (2008). Decompressive and stabilization interventions with anterolateral and combine approaches application for thoracolumbar spine fracture. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (1), 38–43.



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