The surgical treatment of ventral and ventrolateral tumor of the spinal cord


  • E. I. Slynko Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • I. I. Al-Qashkish Romodanov Neurosurgery Institute, Kiev, Ukraine


meningioma, neuroma, microsurgical technique, the localization of the ventral spinal cord tumors


To improve results of surgical treatment of ventral and ventrolateral tumor of the spinal cord we were analyzed MRI and CT methods for precise diagnostic anatomical localization ventral and ventrolateral tumors of the spinal cord, analyzed surgical approaches and microanatomy, define the variations of different tumors the indications for surgical approaches and new surgical techniques of radical tumor resection without spinal cord displacement was developed. The studies were cover time-period from 1993 to 2003. 140 patients were studied. The new technique of radical removing ventral spinal cord tumors without spinal cord displacement clear-up superior for its results to traditional teclmique. The results operative treatment comprise the following: recovery - 70 patients (50%), improvement - 53 patients (38%), absence improvement - 10 patients (7%) and deterioration - 7 patients (5%).


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How to Cite

Slynko, E. I., & Al-Qashkish, I. I. The surgical treatment of ventral and ventrolateral tumor of the spinal cord. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (4), 73–79. Retrieved from



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