Treatment hypostasis and swelling solutio L-lysini-aescinatis at patients with brain-growth


  • A. M. Kardash Donetsk National Medical University named after М. Gorkiy, Donetsk, Ukraine
  • V. I. Chernii Donetsk Regional Clinical Territorial Medical Association, Donetsk, Ukraine
  • G. A. Gorodnik Donetsk Regional Clinical Territorial Medical Association, Donetsk, Ukraine
  • E. L. Ostrovoi Donetsk Regional Clinical Territorial Medical Association, Donetsk, Ukraine


brain tumors, the swelling and edema of the brain, L-lysini-aescinatis


In neuro-surgical center DOKTMO during 2001 — 2002 was treated 524 patients with brain-growth. In 2001 — 261 patients, lethal outcome arranged 9,2%, postoperative lethal outcome — 10,4%. In report of therapy of brain-growth was included in use of glukokortikoides, loop diuretics, in some case — infusion of manitol. In 2002 — 263 patients, lethal outcome arranged 6,8%, postoperative lethal outcome — 6,5%. In report of therapy of brain-growth was included in use of L-lysini-aescinatis in draught 10 ml before two days to operation, in operation day — 10 ml before ablation brain-growth and when operation finished and patient translated in without assistance breathing. In earlier postoperative period on the interval two days patients received 20 ml of preparation, on third day — 10 ml. Application of L-lysini-aescinatis at patients with brain-growth adducing to decrease edema brain and lowering general and postoperative lethal outcome. This effect expressed noticeably greatly more at the patients with advantage edema brain, what is permiting to recommend L-lysini-aescinatis for this pathology.


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How to Cite

Kardash, A. M., Chernii, V. I., Gorodnik, G. A., & Ostrovoi, E. L. Treatment hypostasis and swelling solutio L-lysini-aescinatis at patients with brain-growth. Ukrainian Neurosurgical Journal, (3), 37–41. Retrieved from



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